ALABAMA passenger 1996 license plate 47FAA48 *MADISON *
TO SEE MY OTHER AUCTIONS, click on this link: BPR-PL8S"s other auctions!!! I ship WORLDWIDE!!! Let’s talk about “FREE SHIPPING”. First, let’s face it, no one is doing business for free. Single-item built-in shipping charges have to be ADDED TO each item’s selling price. Buy two or fifty, you pay the full single-item built-in shipping charge over-and-over-and-over-and-over. Not with “BPR-PL8S”!!! My prices are lower because they do not have single-item built-in shipping charges, and my shipping discount starts after the purchase of only TWO items! THAT MAKES MY PRICES CHEAPER THAN “FREE SHIPPING”, even though Ebay encourages buyers to do business with “Free shipping” sellers.
Unstickered plates are at least 3 years old and satisfies "s rules requiring license plates to be at least 3 years old. If the plate in this auction is unstickered, it is at least December 2010 or older. All license plates listed for sale are for collecting purposes only and are not to be put on any vehicle for registration purposes.
Read payment terms before bidding and/or sending payment, very important!!! Watch for payment terms in the item description on heavier-than-usual plates. Those shipping terms take the place of the terms that follow below!!! U.S. buyers pay postage & handling either by Priority Mail at $7.25 or first class mail at $3.75 (buyer"s option) if the plate is won by itself (pairs count as 2 plates and are shipped only at the Priority Mail option below for shipping & handling, no first class option available). SEE THE FIRST CLASS MAIL DISCLAIMER BELOW!!! Multiple wins can be combined AND YOU CAN ADD FROM MY WEBSITE. Inquire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST CLASS MAIL DISCLAIMER!!!!: According to the (the post office) website: When sent locally, 96 percent of First-Class Mail arrives within 1 day. When sent nationwide, 94 percent arrives within 3 days.
Even the post office says, on average, 6 out of every 100 First Class nationwide mailings DO NOT arrive within 3 days.
While I see most first class mailings reach their destination within a few days, occasionally, a package mailed by first class mail can take up to 4 weeks to arrive. I have no control over the post office. Therefore, if you want greater post office assurance as to the delivery time, I suggest choosing the Priority Mail option for shipping & handling. THE POST OFFICE PEOPLE MAKE LOTS OF MISTAKES, ESPECIALLY DURING HOLIDAYS, SO DON"T BLAME ME!!! Multiple wins can be combined, you can add from my website, and the postage & handling cost will be explained in my letter emails after the wins as follows: 2 plates--> $6.50 first class 3-4 plates --> $7.25 automatically upgraded to Priority mail envelope!!! 5-10 plates --> $7.25 Priority Mail envelope + $1.00 for careful double-packaging handling (total $8.25) 11+ plates --> $15.50 maximum shipping & handling for the Priority Mail Flat Rate Box, which will hold up to about 50 plates For purchases of 2 or more plates, wait until I invoice you before sending payment so I can apply the shipping discounts. Ebay will not apply the discounts on their own! If you overpay, I will show a credit on your invoice which can be used towards future purchases. I accept PayPal and other payments. Payments must be in U.S. funds and must be processable through the U.S. banking system. For questions or mailing other forms of payments, my address is Brian Reback, P.O. Box 7552, Northridge, CA 91327-7552. All of my auctions close on Sunday night. My regular mailing days are Thursday and Saturday. If the payment reaches me by Wednesday, shipment usually out by Thursday. Non-U.S. buyers must email me at the close of auction to let me know that this order is being shipped internationally. I will reply with the shipping options, which will be actual postage cost plus handling (minimum $1 for handling). International first class mail shipping for one plate: depends on the weight of the plate and no guarantee on the delivery time, especially during holidays.
SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL AIRMAIL RATES (there are weight limits, check with me on multiple purchases): for up to 4 plates regardless of weight: Canada $24.00, most other countries $28.00 5-10 plates, but depends on weight limit, for each group of up to about 10 plates: Canada $25.00, most other countries $29.00 21 to about 50 plates, but depends on weight limit: Canada AIRMAIL is $51.00, most other countries is $70.00. After the close of auction, I will send an email letter. Buyer agrees to have the payment arrive within seven days of my letter. Feedback: An Ebay transaction is not complete until the buyer is fully satisfied and says so through positive feedback. When I see that the buyer has left positive feedback, I will too. Second Chance Offers: Occasionally, I have a sufficiently similar plate to the plate offered in the original auction. If I do, I may send a Second Chance Offer to the non-winning bidders. However, due to the unique nature of license plate numbers, (each plate or pair of plates having different plate numbers for identification purposes), the Second Chance Offer would be for a similar plate satisfying the terms of the original auction, but with a different plate number. I do not have duplication for every auction offered, so I only send Second Chance Offers on those auctions that I have a sufficiently similar plate (condition, year, county, etc.). Therefore, I do not follow up all auctions with multiple bids with a second chance offer.
Thank you and good luck!
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Sale Price: US $6.00