Exc OrigCond THOMASVILLE NORTH CAROLINA 1977 automobile license plate CHAIR CITY
Thirty day fixed price listing.Ebay requires the seller to tell you this 39 year old 1977 city license plate is more than 3 years old, being from 1977 as it is. There you have it.Twelve by four inches.
See various other N.C. passenger automobile AND sample license plates on same-dates 30 day fixed price listings, from same seller.
No extra holes.No touch up.As found, as acquired, as is.Seller got discouraged when lots of best offers recently were pretty low, so guess what? Best offer went away on today"s batch of new listings. That will be easier to take, seller believes.
Anyone activating a transaction must be prepared to go forward with payment. No do-overs.USPS parcel tracking number is included in S&H.
This transaction will occur as a USA domestic deal (no direct shipping to buyer outside USA, sorry). That indeed means, no direct shipping into CANADA, sorry.
Full disclosure, this seller can get to the post office on Fridays and Saturdays, and no other days of the week.
Sale Price: US $25.00