License Plate, Iowa, 2007, Motorcycle, Graphics, Marion County, 8897 KZ
“This Plate: G: - -Mint/Unused Categories: M=Mint, NM=Near-mint, U=Unused Not Near-Mint - - E=Excellent, VG=Very Good, G=Good, PG=Pretty Good, AG=Average Good, A=Average, A- =Worse than Average, P = Poor PLEASE USE ZOOM TO CONFIRM CONDITION”
Condition: G, Gr8 Pl8! Plate is older than 3 years.
Long-Term Buyers: NEW POLICY: If you want to combine Shipping--wait to pay. Paid plates need be sent next Business Day .I have been allowing buyers to buy plates over weeks and months. Long-term buyers have to pay in 30 days so an Unpaid Item Case is not sent from Ebay. From my end if you pay part of the invoice, I have to send the plate by the next business day. Since I have been holding paid plates to save you shipping, I have been losing up to $100 a month (ebay ratings) to save you a few $$ on shipping. So my suggestion: If you want to combine shipping wait to pay (a week or up to 30 days from the first invoice). Once a payment is made I will need to send your plates. Postage savings are dramatic so I am here to minimize your costs--just let me know you want to combine and wait to pay. Besides higher costs, and loss of my ebay rating status, my listings lose priority marketing by ebay. Thanks, lpgolfer619
Condition (see abbreviations below): Please look at picture carefully and ZOOM In, since your opinion of the condition may vary from mine or others
Unused: Mint = M, Near-mint = NM, Unused Not Near-Mint = U
Excellent = Ex, Very Good = VG, Good = G, Pretty Good = PG, Average Good = AG, Average to Fair = AF
About My Ebay Site: I try to specialize in 2 things: 1. A good selection of 50 states. 2. A good percentage of graphics plates. Besides these, I try to list a few unusual plates, environmental plates, vanities, some older plates and a few foreign plates. I also try to list some a wide array of quality so that there is a good selection of not only types but price ranges. So for the new collector, for the person using plates for art, or for the serious collector, I do try to give something for everyone. And I make it a point to reduce shipping per plate to a bare minimum for you—so hence I try to make my site a 1 stop shop for many of you. If you are buying bulk, I try to accommodate you even if I have to hold your plates for 2-3 months so that you can save on shipping.
Attention: New for 2013: I send all my mail with USPS. In January 28, 2013, raised their rates—slightly to the U.S., quite a bit for International, and substantially for Canada. So I now recommend the LEGAL FLAT RATE PRIORITY ENVELOPES to save on shipping. For example: Sending to Canada costs about $8 for 1 license plate depending on weight. If you ship 10 plates in this envelope it costs about $2 per plate. 2013 Flat Rate Envelope Rates: $5.50 U.S., $21 for Canada, and $25 for International orders!
Sale Price: US $0.99