matching pair 1951 North Carolina license plate

I have a matching pair of 1951 North Carolina license plates. As you can see in the picture it has some surface rust and needs to be cleaned a bit. If you have a 1951 automobile registered in North Carolina, you can display this tag on your car as long as you keep your real tag in the car along with the registration. Here is the law concerning it (straight from the DMV). Would also look good on the wall of your shop (etc).
You can have a Vintage tag displayed on the car, you will however have to purchase a regular tag and registration that must be kept in/with the car at all times so that at any time you are pulled, you will have the plate and registration card to show the vehicle is properly registered. Any motor vehicle of the age of 35 years or more from the date of manufacture may bear the license plates of the year of manufacture instead of the current registration plates, if the current registration plates are maintained within the vehicle. It falls under General Statue 20-63 (d).
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Sale Price: US $49.99