New Jersey Painting and Restoring License Plates/Vintage Signs Booklet
My name is Darius and I restore license plates. I am a member of (ALPCA) The Automobile License Plate Collectors of America # 12117. I got into the hobby a few years ago after watching too many American Pickers. I decided to give it a shot. I thought it would be neat to bring back a 80,90, even a 100 year old object back to life. I researched all over the internet and everywhere else, I asked people at car shows, and no one had a solid technique for restoring these. The ones I did find restored were in my opinion poor quality. There are other methods out there but there are messy and way too time consuming. After countless trial and error I finally figured out a way to restore beautiful license plates back to better than new. I then moved on to old embossed street signs and had the same results. Anyone can do this. You don"t have to be a skilled artist, just someone willing to put a little time and effort into this. There is another booklet for sale on for around $25, I ordered it and tried it, and found out that the quality was just not there. Instead of charging people $25, I am selling a .pdf file of my book for only $14.95. If you want a hard copy I can print it and mail it for $22 anywhere in the US. Give it a shot. It really is a neat hobby and very stress relieving. The results in these pictures speak for themselves. I will email you a .pdf copy of my 20 page book within 24 hours. And by the way, my book is step by step, with pictures included, unlike the other books out there for sale. Thanks for the opportunity and wish you luck !
Sale Price: US $9.95